A white image in the shape of an outline of mountains.

Medical Form Submission Process

Beginning April 22, 2024, all NOAC 2024 attendees will have the ability to submit the required BSA Annual Health and Medical Record (AHMR) information to the online submission portal. For NOAC 2024, a valid AHMR is signed on or after August 1, 2023, and contains parts A, B, & C. During the submission process, parts A&B will be submitted via an online, fillable form. Part C is submitted as a document upload once completed by a medical provider. Medical forms must be submitted no later than July 22, 2024. However, delegates are encouraged to submit as soon as possible to allow for ample review and approval time by the NOAC medical staff.

Accessing the Submission Portal

The NOAC medical submission process begins in the National Order of the Arrow Registration System (NOAERS). Note: only the delegate can access their medical form portal. Contingent leaders will not be able to complete this process on behalf of their delegates.

Follow the steps below to access the medical submission portal:

  1. Login to NOAERS using the ArrowID associated to your NOAC registration.
  2. Under My Upcoming Events, select National Order of the Arrow Conference 2024
  3. Select your name under “My Attendees for this Event”
  4. Click the “Event” button in the left-hand navigation of the attendee dashboard.
  5. Under the “Health and Medical” box, click the “CampDoc Medical Records Access link”
A section of a webpage titled "Health and Medical" with 1 issue. It shows the process of submitting AHMR through CampDoc, status at 20% complete, and NOAC 2024 - Medical Accepted. An arrow points to the "CampDoc Medical Records Access link." An issue is listed as Health Profile not 100% Complete.
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  1. In the pop-up window, click the unique access link. You cannot share this link with another delegate. The link will change if you leave the system and return at a later date, so you must follow these steps each time.
A notification window titled "CampDoc System Access" displays a message stating, "CampDoc Medical Records Access Link generated..." Below the text, there is a clickable link that says, "Click here to access the CampDoc Medical Records System" with an arrow pointing to it.
Click to view this image larger.

Completing the AHMR Submission Process

After clicking the above link, you are redirected to the online medical submission form. Once in the medical submission
portal, click on “Health Profile” to begin completing the AHMR submission process.

A profile display for an OA member on a health management interface. The profile shows 20% completion of the health profile with a reminder that it should be completed by July 31, 2024. There's an arrow pointing to the "Health Profile" section.
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You will then be taken into the Health Profile. On the right-hand side, click through the various sections and complete all parts. In order for your profile to be reviewed, you must complete all sections to be displayed with a green check mark. You do not have to complete the form at once and can return, via NOAERS, to come back to this screen.

Screenshot of an online health profile portal for an OA member. The member is prompted to fill out parts A and B of the AHMR by July 22, 2024, or after an in-person physical, submit Part C by August 1, 2023. A red arrow points to a "Health History" section on the right.
Click to view this image larger.

For Part C, please upload a document that has been completed by the medical provider. You do not need to upload the entire form, only part C with the provider signature.

Once all areas of the form are completed, marked with a green check mark, the profile is 100% complete and will be sent to the NOAC Medical team for review.

Submission & Review Status Information

After completing the submission form, the Health Profile percentage in NOAERS will update to 100%, though there may be a delay of up to one hour for NOAERS to reflect the status. Your medical review status will show as “Not Started” and the check-in issue will disappear.

Screenshot of a health and medical form status page. It shows: - Process: Submit AHMR through CampDoc Medical System. - Status: Health Profile: 100% Complete, NOAC 2024 - Medical: Not Started. - CampDoc: CampDoc Medical Records Access link. A red arrow points to "NOAC 2024 - Medical: Not Started.
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If the medical team reviews your profile and accepts the submission, it will indicate “Accepted by Medical Team.” This status indications no further action is required by the delegate.

A screenshot of a health and medical status update. The process mentions submitting an AHWR through CampDoc Medical System. The status shows the health profile is 100% complete and accepted by the medical team for NOAC 2024. A red arrow points to the text.
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If the medical team review your profile and rejects the submission, it will display “Needs Revisions” and the check-in issue will re-appear. Please revisit the medical submission portal to update any field(s) requested by the medical team. Once revisions are complete, the medical team will review your updated submission and edit the status.

Screenshot of a webpage section titled "Health and Medical." The status indicates a health profile is 100% complete but requires revisions for NOAC 2024. Two red arrows point to this status and an issue stating "CampDoc Health Profile Requires Additional Action.
Click to view this image larger.

If you need technical support, please email concierge@oa-bsa.org. If you have medical services questions, please contact noac-medical@oa-bsa.org